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 About DS Sport Psychology


The DS Sport Psychology website was created by Daniel Shaw, a Masters (MSc) Sport and Exercise Psychology post grad at the University of Central Lancashire. 

I began studying Sport Psychology as an undergraduate degree (BSc) at the University of Central Lancashire in 2009. In this course I built a strong foundation of knowledge about the field of Sport Psychology and wrote a dissertation on 'The Effects of Integrating  a Mental Imagery Strategy into a Pre-Shot-Routine in a Basketball Free-Throw Shot Domain'.


After attaining a upper second class, I then began a 1 year Masters (MSc) program to further my knowledge of Sport Psychology and also to progress in order to be eligible  to start the BPS  Stage 2 route to become a chartered Sport Psychologist. I am now at the stage where I have finished my taught modules on the MSc course and am writing my Thesis on the 'suggestibility of caffeine stimulant sport nutrition products on physical and cognitive performance and mood'. I am also writing articles in my spare time for the DS Sport Psychology website and also for The Sport In Mind Sport Psychology website.


After the scheduled completion of the MSc in December 2013, I will begin the Stage 2 BPS route to become a British Psychological Society chartered Sport Psychologist.


Dan Shaw, BSc MBPsS


Matt Gilks Blackpool FC

Warrington Wolves Squad

© 2013 DS Sport Psychology. All rights reserved

Aaron Cook Isle of Man TKD 

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